About us

About us

Enfants d'Asie
Recognized as a public utility and with the IDEAS label, Enfants d’Asie is an association founded in 1991. Its aim is to help underprivileged children in Southeast Asia towards a better future.

Currently present in Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines and Vietnam, our organization follows nearly 10,500 children from very poor families. Enfants d’Asie provides them with a global accompaniment: from schooling to professional integration, including basic needs and moral support.
Thanks to sponsorships and donations, the association is able to fulfil its missions by supporting its beneficiaries through a range of programmes that guarantee comprehensive care for the most fragile populations. Enfants d’Asie acts in collaboration with local actors in each country of intervention.
At Enfants d'Asie, our values are our driving force to move forward.
The educational actions that we carry out are long-term and we are committed to each young person, to accompany them as far as possible in their journey.
We encourage the young people we support to be determined in their choice, to give themselves the means to reach a better life.
Our interventions in the countries of action of Children of Asia are carried out with respect for people, their culture and their environment.
This value also underpins the accompaniment we offer our beneficiaries, starting with respect for themselves.
We fully assume our responsibility in the implementation of our actions and programmes: responsibility towards
of our beneficiaries and their families, local authorities of the countries in which we operate, donors and funders.
We wish to transmit this notion of responsibility to our beneficiaries, so that they feel fully involved in their lives and
despite the daily difficulties they face.