Enfants d'Asie, des avenirs à construire !



Volunteering for Enfants d'Asie

Regional Correspondents are key players for Enfants d'Asie, working locally to develop actions in favor of underprivileged children in Southeast Asia. Correspondents bring the association to life in many regions of France, and regularly organize events, meetings and exchanges on children's rights and the situation in the countries where we work.

Not all regions are yet covered by our volunteers. Becoming a Regional Correspondent for Children of Asia means joining a community of volunteers committed to defending children's rights in the field. This commitment creates a strong bond with the people in your region, and enables you to organize events to benefit Children of Asia with the support of head office.

By becoming a Regional Correspondent, you make a voluntary commitment and devote as much time as you want to the association! There are no special constraints!

To join us, or to get involved with our already active Correspondents, contact us :

  • Tel: 01 47 00 19 00
  • Mail: communication@enfantsdasie.com

Enfants d'Asie regularly offers volunteer assignments at the association's head office in Montreuil.The head office team is made up of 7 salaried staff supported by volunteers. In Asia, our teams include some sixty volunteers and salaried staff. Enfants d'Asie is strictly humanitarian, apolitical and non-denominational.

Would you like to get involved as a volunteer?

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