Our Association
Enfants d'Asie

Currently present in Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines and Vietnam, Enfants d’Asie supports more than 8,000 children born into poor families. Enfants d’Asie provides them with comprehensive support: from schooling to professional integration, as well as basic needs and psycho-social care.
Thanks to sponsorships and donations, the association is able to fulfill its mission by accompanying its beneficiaries through a series of programs that guarantee a complete care for the most fragile populations. Enfants d’Asie works in collaboration with local organisations in each country.
At Enfants d’Asie, our values make us progress.
The educational work that we carry out is maintained over time and it’s important to us to engage with every child, in order to take care of them as much as possible in their personal and professional paths.
We encourage the young people that we support to be determined in their choices and to provide themselves with the means to reach a better life.
Our interventions in the countries where Enfants d’Asie is based are carried out with respect for people, their culture and their environment.
This value also underlies the support we offer to our beneficiaries, starting with the respect for themselves.
We fully assume our responsibility in the implementation of our actions and programs: responsibility towards our beneficiaries and their families, towards the local authorities of the countries where our actions take place and towards donors and sponsors.
We wish to transmit this notion of responsibility to our beneficiaries so that they feel fully in control of their lives, despite the daily difficulties they face.