Enfants d'Asie, des avenirs à construire !

Financial transparency



Enfants d’Asie has been working for more than 30 years with disadvantaged children. Our association is recognized as a public interest entity and is a certificated IDEAS association. These distinctions award a particular legitimacy to the association and represent a guarantee of good governance and financial transparency.

Petite fille d'Enfants d'Asie

A strict management of your donations

Enfants d’Asie is recognized as a public interest entity and is a certificated IDEAS association which attests the quality of its governance, financial management and monitoring of the effectiveness of its actions. We are concerned about the trust our donors place in us, therefore we have implemented the best practices detailed below:

Since 2013, Enfants d’Asie has been awarded the IDEAS certification

The IDEAS certification: an essential vehicle of confidence for donors

The IDEA certification guarantees 3 areas:


  • Defined and monitored associative project
  • Disinterested management
  • Efficient governance
  • Risk management
  • Respect for donors

Financial management

  • Accurate accounting
  • Financial reporting
  • Budget management

Effectiveness of action

  • Accurate Accounting
  • Financial Reporting
  • Budgetary management

The IDEAS certification is an essential vehicle of confidence for the partners and donors of Enfants d’Asie. Following controls carried out by independent professionals, we are proud to own this certification.

Thanks to the IDEAS certification, we can attest that the donations received from our generous donors are used as closely as possible to the needs of our different programs.

Key figures for the year 2022

The distribution of your donations

Le rapport d'activité d'Enfants d'Asie

Vous pouvez télécharger le rapport d’activité ici

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