Our actions in Laos
Enfants d'Asie in Laos in figures
Enfants d’Asie has been working in Laos since 1994
Actions in Laos
Laos is one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia : more than 23% of the population continues to live below the poverty line (source : World Bank) and rural areas have the lowest school enrollment rate in the country, particularly among girls. Education, health, social services and telecommunications are particularly difficult to access.

Supporting schooling in the provinces of Oudomxay and Luang Prabang :
Enfants d’Asie improves the living conditions and schooling of some 3,000 underprivileged children and young people in schools in the provinces of Oudomxay and Luang Prabang in northern Laos. This support takes the form of the construction and renovation of school buildings and dormitories, water supply projects and the distribution of equipment (hygiene and school kits, clothing, teaching materials, etc.). In addition to improving accommodation conditions and access to quality education, schools are also supported in specific areas such as hygiene awareness and environmental protection.
Individualized support for children and young people in Vientiane and Luang Prabang:
In the capital city of Vientiane and the province of Luang Prabang, Enfants d’Asie has set up an individualized support program for children and students attending school from kindergarten to university. More than 250 young people and their families benefit from financial support and socio-educational follow-up.
This individualized support is aimed at the most disadvantaged children identified by Enfants d’Asie social workers in close collaboration with local players.

Capacity building:
At the heart of Enfants d’Asie’s activities are training courses on girl-boy equality, hygiene, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), environmental awareness, the fight against gender-based violence, and more.
The aim of these workshops is to prevent the risk of dropping out of school and to better prepare young people for professional integration and access to decent work.