Make a donation to support the actions of Enfants d’Asie
Enfants d’Asie works for the access to quality education in 4 countries of South East Asia: Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines and Vietnam.
The needs are immense and it is important for Enfants d’Asie to accompany the children until their professional integration and financial autonomy, thus allowing them to leave poverty behind and become actors of development in their country.

Why donate ?
Thanks to sponsorships and donations, the association is able to fulfil its missions by accompanying its beneficiaries through a series of programs that guarantee comprehensive care for the most vulnerable populations. Enfants d’Asie works in collaboration with local actors in each country of intervention.
By making a donation to our association, you can be sure that your generosity will be put to good use thanks to the IDEAS label, which attests to the proper management of funds.

Un exemple de répartition de votre don

What are the tax advantages?
Making a donation entitles you to a tax deduction of 66% for an individual, and 60% for a company, on the amount of the donation.

A donation of €100, i.e. €34 after tax deduction, enables us to achieve many things in the field, and to provide comprehensive support for the children we support.