Our partners & ambassadors
Enfants d’Asie has financial and operational partners in France and in the countries where we work. This precious collaboration allows us to respond to the needs of the children and families we serve, and to ensure that our actions are sustainable.
They support Enfants d’Asie projects through different actions: access to school and health care, psycho-social follow-up, sleeping kits or hygiene products, orientation assistance or training workshops, construction or renovation, etc.
In terms of skills sponsorship, they can diagnose our buildings on site and the need for renovation, conduct training or awareness workshops, help us in terms of marketing, communication or IT, etc.
Institutional partners

Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Mairie d'Homécourt
Fondations, entreprises et mécènes

Fondation Michelin
Since 2022, the Michelin Foundation has been supporting our project to promote children's rights among 10,000 students in nine schools on the island of Cebu and to provide specific support to 200 disadvantaged young people to prevent them from dropping out of school.

Fondation Saint-Gobain
The Saint Gobain Foundation financed the renovation of a shelter for young girls placed by the social services for protection, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Fondation pour l'enfance
With private funds, the French Children's Foundation supported the education of young girls in quality private schools on the island of Cebu. Today, it is home to the Enfants d’Asie Foundation.

Talents et Partage
Since 2010, Talents et Partage has supported several projects for access to reading, renovation work in Cambodia and Laos. This year, they are supporting the construction of a library for the school of Nong Chong.

CDC Développement Solidaire
Since 2002, Caisse des Dépôts has supported several training, distribution and construction projects of dormitories and classrooms for children in Laos and Cambodia.

Fonds de dotation Tryba
The Tryba endowment funds has been supporting for more than 15 years the children we accompany in our projects in Vietnam, from children from ethnic minorities living in boarding schools in the Highlands, to the students of the Mekong Delta, through the little ones of the Xuân Phuong center in Ho-Chi-Minh City.

Fondation Wavestone
The Wavestone Foundation has supported construction projects for ethnic minorities in Laos and the schooling and professional integration of young Filipinos.

Mécénat Servier
After helping our Borey Komar center in Cambodia, Mécénat Servier has been supporting underprivileged children, teenagers and students in Vietnam since 2018. Servier employees on site also organize workshops with female students on communication, contraception, etc.

Fondation Artelia
Since 2012, the Artelia Foundation has carried out diagnostic work and renovation missions and training on communication, in addition to a contribution for the completion of work in our centers in Cambodia.

Fondation Alstom
Between 2017 and 2019, the Alstom Foundation supported the renovation of the Borey Niseth Center and the provision of equipment for students living in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Fondation Mazars
Since 2013, the Mazars Foundation has contributed to the schooling of young girls from the slums of Cebu City in the Philippines, access to higher education for underprivileged Filipino students benefiting from our Training Center and young Cambodians sheltered in our Borey Niseth Center.

Fondation Obélisque
The Obélisque Foundation has financed scholarships for young Cambodians at university or in vocational training, the holding of days dedicated to professional orientation and integration, the construction of classrooms and assistance to teachers working with ethnic minorities in northern Laos, and foreign language and computer training in Cambodia.

Fondation Amanjaya
The Amanjaya Foundation has supported access to schooling and higher education for underprivileged youth in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and the Philippines through construction, support for our residential centers and the awarding of scholarships.

Fondation Anber
The AnBer Foundation has helped finance the construction of classrooms in Laos, a project to provide access to schooling and vocational training for young people in Cebu in the Philippines, and the construction of a canteen at the Borey Komar center in Cambodia.

Fondation Lama
The Lama Foundation co-financed the refectory of the Borey Komar Center, and then supported our action during the COVID-19 crisis, by financing social support, schooling and assistance to the basic needs of young people in Cambodia and Philippines.

Fondation Cassiopée
Since 2013, the Cassiopée Foundation has been supporting our Gabay Training Center in the Philippines, which helps with vocational guidance and integration, the acquisition of technical and communication skills, and a project to support young people to avoid their dropping out of school.

Fondation Cécile Barbier de la Serre
Since 2009, the Cécile Barbier de la Serre Foundation has supported children in orphanages and centers in Cambodia, as well as in schools in the provinces of Oudomxay and Luang Prabang in northern Laos. She has contributed to the education of underprivileged children and ethnic minorities by taking care of their needs, distributing food aid, equipment and school materials, and building and renovation projects (schools, libraries, etc.).

Fondation Masalina
Between 2013 and 2019, Masalina Foundation supported English language training in Cambodia, as well as access to excellence and higher education for disadvantaged youth in Cebu City, Daanbantayan and Alegria.

Fondation Etincelle
The Etincelle Foundation financed computer equipment for the Training Center and in 2017 supported the creation of DICE, a day care center for children from the slums of Ermita in the Philippines that helps to provide a safe place and promote their healthy development.

Fonds de dotation La Valinière
Since 2017, the La Valinière endowment funds has supported the schooling of young people in Asia, particularly in Laos in the provinces of Oudomxay and more recently Luang Prabang. It has participated in the construction or renovation of school buildings and accommodation, and has financed the distribution of sleeping kits, clothes, school supplies and equipment.

Fondation Marquet
Mr. and Mrs. Marquet have been supporting for many years our projects for girls, teenagers and students in the Highlands, Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta, in Vietnam.
Association Tramy
Association Tramy
The Tramy association is financing the construction of a kindergarten that will welcome 140 children from 3 to 5 years old, in the province of Vung Tàu in southeast Vietnam.

The Heppner company supports our work for children in Asia, mainly in Vietnam.

Rotary Quebec
Rotary Quebec supports orientation, technical and non-technical training, access to vocational training and higher education for our youth in Cambodia.

Women's WorldWide Web
Women's Worldwide Web has supported many girls and teenagers in Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines by funding their school fees, basic needs, menstrual and hygiene training, orientation and job placement. In 2022, she participated in the HDS (Her digital self) training on new information technologies for our beneficiaries in the Philippines.

Fondation Air France
The Air France Foundation has supported children and teenagers in Vietnam and the Philippines for several years to enable them to go to school and be monitored by our social workers.

Communauté Emmaüs Grenoble
The Emmaüs Grenoble Community financed a project to promote reading in two schools that we support in Vientiane, Laos. It enabled us to set up a library and provide training in library management and maintenance, as well as fun activities for the children.

Abbaye de la Pierre qui Vire
The Abbaye Sainte Marie de la Pierre qui Vire has a historical link with Cambodia and has supported for many years the children and teenagers we accompany in the country.
Since 2013, the Bertana company has been acting on behalf of disadvantaged and endangered children in Asia.

Brands at work
The company Brands at Work is a committed communication agency that has been helping us with graphic materials and financially supporting our work for many years.

Unanime, an advertising and marketing company, allowed 4 students from our Borey Niseth center to follow their training, to live in Phnom Penh and to acquire complementary technical and relational skills.

Lindner Sprühsysteme
For more than 12 years, Lindner Sprühsysteme, a German packaging manufacturer, has supported our work for disadvantaged children, mainly in Cambodia.

Paris Appartements Services
Paris Appartements Services, a rental service in Paris, supports our work by matching donations from our donors during our annual Matching Campaign in September and by helping to finance our projects in Asia.

K Investissement
K-Investment, is a family business that has supported our work in Vietnam since 2020.

Entreprise Plesséenne d'Electricité (EPE)
The Entreprise Plesséenne d'Electricité (EPE) has been an ambassador for our actions since 2020. It is a partner in our annual Matching campaign, which doubles donations from individuals.
Marolleau Saint James
Marolleau Saint James
The Marolleau Establishments support our action in Vietnam, by helping the underprivileged children of Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville through our social and financial support.

Perspectives de voyage
Marie Morin, a professional travel blogger, created “Perspectives de voyage” and decided to support the children of the Philippines through the implementation of a product-share.

Gamblin is a family-owned logistics company that supports our work for children in Asia by partnering with our annual Matching Campaigns (double the donations from individuals).

Alcyos is a longtime partner who supports us in the management of our site.

AB Tasty has contributed to help the children of our Borey Komar Center in Cambodia, thanks to the involvement and collection of their employees.

IN2, a consulting firm, has been helping to support our work with disadvantaged and at-risk children in Southeast Asia since 2020.

Pink Monday
Pink Monday supported the children of our Borey Komar center in Cambodia.

Cagnotte en ligne
The Saphir Company has supported our work for children in Southeast Asia every year since 2014.

Engagés Solidaires
Soutien au financement du projet de construction d’un dortoir pour les élèves de l’établissement secondaire de Chom Ong au Laos

Fondation CMA CGM
Associations donatrices

Laoti'EM contribue à améliorer les conditions de scolarisation des enfants des villages ruraux de la province d'Oudomxay au nord du Laos.
Association Enfance et Nature
Association Enfance et Nature
L'association Enfance et Nature soutient notre action en faveur des enfants défavorisés d'Asie du Sud-Est.
Operational partners
In our 4 countries of intervention, we collaborate with local companies and organizations to carry out our projects with the children and communities we support. They intervene directly in the implementation of our actions and/or contribute financially.

North Bridge House School
Basée à Londres, la North Bridge School fait une donation annuelle au centre Borey Komar après une collecte de fonds.

Skateistan propose des activités sportives (skate) pour les enfants de Borey Komar et des ateliers de sensibilisation sur différents sujets (nutrition, handicap).

Kampuchea Balopp
Kampuchea Balopp est une ONG cambodgienne qui donne des cours de rugby aux enfants de Borey Komar.

Institut Français du Cambodge
L'IFC propose des cours d’initiation au français, de français avancés, des ateliers lecture, des sorties cinémas, visites d’expositions culturelles et artistiques.

France Parrainages
France Parrainages collecte des dons en faveur des enfants parrainés qui servent à couvrir leurs besoins immédiats (scolarisation, alimentation, vêtements, soins médicaux…).

PESS Luang Prabang

Gender Development Association
Renforcement des droits des filles dans 5 écoles secondaires du district de Houn, Oudomxay.

Renforcer les compétences et favoriser la formation et l’insertion professionnelle des étudiants.

Peuples et Montagnes du Mékong
Projet d'adduction à Navang, Houn district, dans la province d'Oudomxay.

Action with Lao Children
Projet de promotion de la lecture auprès des enfants défavorisés du Laos et mise en place de bibliothèques scolaires dans les écoles primaires de Ban Khan et de Tatthong à Vientiane.

The Stella
Ateliers de préparation à l'emploi.

Education Zone for All
Formation sur le leadership des jeunes et la santé sexuelle et reproductive (15 participants)

Friends International
Orientation des bénéficiaires vers des formations professionnelles proposées par Friends International à Vientiane et Luang Prabang.

Fil-Canadian Training & Development Center for Caregivers

CCI France Philippines


Gender Development Association
Renforcement des droits des filles dans 5 écoles secondaires du district de Houn, Oudomxay.

Servier Vietnam
Servier Vietnam soutient les projets Etudes Supérieures, WOCA et la Maison d'Amour.

BNP Paribas Vietnam
BNP Paribas Vietnam soutient les projets Etudes Supérieures et la Maison d'Amour.

Decathlon soutient les projets Fondation Etudiante.

Fondation Saint-Gobain
La fondation Saint-Gobain a soutenu la rénovation du foyer pour jeunes filles Ga Saigon à Hô Chi Minh Ville au Viêt-Nam.
By becoming a partner of Enfants d'Asie, you contribute to support our association which helps more than 10,000 destitute and endangered children in Southeast Asia. Enfants d'Asie has been working for more than 30 years and its mission is officially recognized by the local authorities. The association is recognized as a public utility and has been awarded the IDEAS label.
This support is concretely translated into the distribution of school scholarships, the provision of equipment, clothing or kits of first necessity, food aid, reception in day centers or accommodation, emergency aid, training and awareness workshops, psycho-social support by our social workers, etc.
This support offers you the advantage of a tax reduction of 66% on your income tax or 60% on your corporate tax.
As a company, association or foundation, you can support Enfants d'Asie in several ways :
Become a sponsor of a child or a structure
- Support a particular project, a school or a center
- Make a donation on our website or by check
- Become a corporate partner of the Matching Campaign (annual fundraising and communication campaign for the general public in September)
- Set up a product-share on a product or service offered by your company
- Implement the rounding of your employees' salaries, or the rounding of cash in your stores
- Mobilize your employees through a skills sponsorship mission (occasional help in communication, marketing, web development, etc.)
- Promote the action of Enfants d’Asie and/or sponsorship and share the association's communications with your network, your employees and your clients
- Organize appeals for donations from your network, your employees and your clients,
- Set up collections of products in kind (adapted and ensure their transportation to our programs,
- Provide material, equipment or a room for a special event (General Assembly, Seminar, meeting, etc.).
To find out more about each of these actions, go to the relevant pages in the menu on our website.
The financial donations, the missions of patronage of competences or the donations in kind give right to a reduction of income tax or corporation tax.
The reductions for the missions of patronage of competences and the patronage in kind are calculated on the valuation at the cost of the remuneration and the social charges for the one, and that of the donated good or the provided service, for the other.
For companies subject to corporate tax (IS): tax reduction of 60% of the amount of the donation, up to 0.5% (5 per thousand) of the turnover before tax or €20,000 for smaller companies (in accordance with Article 238 bis of the CGI).
For companies subject to income tax: tax reduction of 66% of the amount of the donation, within the limit of 20% of taxable income (in accordance with article 200 of the CGI).
Enfants d’Asie issues tax receipts for all donations made. They allow us to declare the amount paid to the tax authorities and to benefit from a tax reduction.