Enfants d'Asie, des avenirs à construire !

Girls’ empowerment project

In Mekong Delta, Enfants d’Asie has implemented the Girls’ empowerment project, which aims at encouraging young women’s education in order to lift them out of poverty in a sustainable way.

In 2017- 2018, Enfants d’Asie has supported 1377 young women through the distribution of a yearly allocation to help the girls afford their education fees, distribution of an allowance every two months to support them in their daily expenditures, and an individual social follow-up.




Thao Quynh has been part of the project for 5 years and agreed to talk about her experience:

“My name is Thao Quynh, I am 18 years old. My parents and my sister live in Ho Chi Minh City but I am attending school in the Mekong Delta- because I couldn’t enter public school in a big city and couldn’t afford a private school. At first I used to live with my grandparents but their place was far from my school. Now I live at a friend’s place.
I joined Enfants d’Asie 5 years ago. Now I can get a scholarship and continue to go to school and graduate from high school.
When I graduate, I wanna go to University and study Finance. I would like to work in a bank because I love mathematics.
I would like to thank Enfants d’Asie because not only I can attend school and graduate, but it makes me feel like someone is encouraging me to study. This is motivating and we all need motivation”.